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Genesis HealthCare Nursing Homes in Kentucky

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Genesis HealthCare Corp. is the nation's largest nursing home chain in America, with around 400 nursing homes and other facilities. It is a large, publicly-traded company. Genesis operates in approximately 30 states, including Kentucky. We previously wrote about the Medicare Five-Star Rating System, and even more detail can be found here at the American Health Care Association's website. A one-star rating is the lowest star rating a nursing home can get, and as of very recently, Genesis had six one-star nursing homes in Kentucky.

These one-star Genesis nursing homes include:

While surely Genesis has some higher quality facilities, it has these low-ranked nursing homes despite having 4th Quarter revenues in 2018 of $1.2 billion, and 2018 annual revenue of $5.0 billion.

The reasons for poor quality ratings from Medicare can be numerous, and this article does not attempt to determine what those reasons are for these particular facilities, but in my experience poorly staffed nursing homes are a common cause of nursing home injury and wrongful death from problems like dehydration, malnutrition, infection (including sepsis), pressure ulcers or bed sores, falls and head injuries, and other issues. Nursing homes across the country, and in Kentucky, are notorious for being chronically understaffed in order to save money.

Daniel Pleasant Holoman has extensive experience handling nursing home cases for injury and wrongful death, including substantial jury trial experience. We have lawyers licensed in Kentucky and can handle cases statewide. If you or someone you know suffered injury or death from neglect at a nursing home, contact Daniel, Holoman & Associates LLP. There is no charge to speak with someone about your case and for an attorney to evaluate whether it justifies a legal claim.

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