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How the Health Care System Treats Women Differently

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When a woman in North Carolina tells a doctor that she is experiencing pain, she might be told that the pain isn't real. In the event that the cause of a woman's health issue isn't easy to diagnose, some doctors may assume that its a gynecological issue even if that isn't the case. There are many reasons why female patients have trouble being heard by their doctors and getting an accurate diagnosis of what ails them.

In some cases, this is because there has been a lack of research into how women experience health issues differently than men. For instance, a man who is having a heart attack generally experiences chest pain as a primary symptom. However, a woman may experience pain in the neck or jaw. She may also present symptoms that resemble the flu or other health conditions.

Women who feel like they aren't getting quality care are urged to trust their instincts. If they think that there is something not right with their bodies, they should keep pushing until the correct diagnosis is made. Furthermore, patients should not ignore the possibility of having a serious health issue because of their age. Keeping records and asking detailed questions can also increase the odds of a person finding the true cause of their symptoms.

failure to diagnose a health condition in a timely manner could result in unnecessary pain or other advanced symptoms. In some cases, a patient may require multiple surgeries or other extreme forms of treatment to treat a condition that may have been allowed to persist because of a doctor's error. Those who are victims of medical malpractice could be entitled to compensation for medical bills and other costs through a settlement or formal trial.

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